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Inside the Marketers Studio - David Berkowitz#39;s Marketing Blog b.../b

Originally published in MediaPost A yummy Yucatanian spread at Chichen Itza in South LA, which we found in Zagat Social Brands In The City Of Angels I swore this would be a bvacation/b. It was so weird taking a cab to JFK and not ... bKogi/b: We landed at LAX at 8 p.m., got our rental car at 8:30, and by 9 had arrived at where one of the bKogi/b trucks cooking fresh Korean barbecue was scheduled to arrive, according to their Twitter status update. We were among the first on line, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

bKogi/b: Korean Style BBQ Taco Truck | THE KOREAMELON BLOG

bKogi/b: Korean BBQ Taco Truck Everyone thought he was crazy when Los Angeles Chef, Roy Choi announced that he was going to start a taco truck. He and his partner, Mark were working at 5-star bhotels/b around the city when they came up with ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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